Sunday, June 10, 2012

Oh hey, Virginia.

As of yet, I don't have access to wifi at the dorm where I'm staying. SO! I've taken to haunting the Starbucks (fortunately) not far from the college.

I wrote the following post last night (Saturday, 6/9/12) at around 10:30 p.m. -


Home for the next six weeks
As of now, I have:
  • Driven 528 miles
  • Managed to melt every piece of chocolate I brought with me
  • Navigated some of the most precarious, winding back roads known to man (they happen to be located in West Virginia)
  • Almost hit a deer
  • Found my way through much of West Virginia on my own without the help of my GPS, simultaneously realizing that maybe I should update it
  • Met my internship coordinator, Sarah
  • Also met her dog, Allie
  • Moved into what will be home sweet home for the next six weeks
  • Irreparably squished my loaf of bread
  • Moved many very heavy objects by myself, thank you very much.
  • Spilled all the little confetti dots out of my three-hole punch
  • Cleaned ALL OF THEM up
  • Seen tonight's performance of A Midsummer Night's Dream at the American Shakespeare Center Blackfriars Playhouse (which, I believe I can safely say, at this point, was the best Shakespearean theatre I've ever seen)

I'm very glad to be here, and I'm excited to have some time to explore Staunton some tomorrow. Sarah pointed out some different places, so I'll have to see what I can make of the day. I'll take some pictures if I think of it.

I need to get milk.


I'm happy to report that I found Walmart and now have milk. And an otherwise stocked fridge.

Beverly Street
I walked up and down Beverly Street today, which is the main historic street downtown. There are lots of quaint little shops, cafes, pubs, and restaurants, and I imagine I'll spend some time there over the next several weeks.

Unfortunately, like any good small town, almost all the shops are closed all day on Sunday, including the corner cafe that has free wifi.

So, instead, I found Starbucks (and Walmart, like I mentioned) and am now somewhat familiar with Richmond Ave--roughly the equivalent of the bypass in Marion.

The dorm I'm staying in is called PEG--short for Program for the Exceptionally Gifted--on Frederick Street. It's the newest dorm on MBC's campus, and typically home to 12-16 year old girls--advanced students in a program with the college.

Frederick Street
I had the entire 4-floor dorm all to myself last night and this morning, but according to Sarah, some high school campers will move in on Monday or Tuesday.

Tomorrow morning, I'm meeting Sarah at the Playhouse at 9:45 to meet the cast and crew members of Two Gents before they have their first rehearsals tomorrow from 10:00 to 7:00. Then, Tuesday, I'll tour the Playhouse, and then be on hand for another rehearsal. She told me that a couple of the touring companies have also requested some intern help, so I may get to work on more than just Two Gents--we'll have to see what happens.

Blackfriars Playhouse
Midsummer last night was just absolutely fun. The Playhouse is terrific. I sat in the balcony, and leaned over the railing to watch the show. The actors doubled--most playing two roles. It was very audience-interactive, which made it all the more engaging, and the audience was enthralled. The actors had everyone (including me) eating out of their hands. They also provided live music in costume before the show and during intermission--they sang contemporary songs (that happened to fit the story of A Midsummer Night's Dream extremely well--including riotous performances of "Forget You" and "In the Jungle"). They also danced some, and just all-around entertained.

I'm excited to get started. I think it's going to be an excellent Shakespearean summer.

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