Monday, July 2, 2012

Still power-less

Going on hour 63 without electricity at the PEG dorm at Mary Baldwin College. Fortunately, I'm not alone--all the high school campers, the camp counselors, a couple of other interns, and a costume designer are all experiencing the same thing.

Lee Ann and I locale-hopped most of the weekend, from one coffee shop to the next, charging phones, laptops, using the internet, and just hanging out in general. Lots of people are in the same boat in Staunton--all the coffee shops have been crowded since Saturday morning after the storm. So, you know, at least shops in Staunton are getting lots of extra business!

I managed to salvage some of my groceries and put them in the fridge and freezer at the theatre. Fortunately, they were all more than willing to share some of their fridge space with an intern in need.

It's pretty hot--forecast says it'll be in the 90s this week, and it's not much fun to wake up sweating every morning (the fourth floor is by far the hottest place in the dorm), but I keep reminding myself that things could be worse. It could be hotter, and, when I can spend most of the day in other places that do have air conditioning, things aren't so bad. Plus, no elevator and four flights of stairs mean I'm actually getting some exercise (I haven't been running--the hills in Staunton are far too intimidating for this Midwesterner), and I have a reason to be thankful that my dorm room has a hard tiled floor instead of carpet.

To escape the heat on my day off I'm thinking I'm going to catch a matinee of Brave which I've been wanting to see.

I helped out with Merchant again Saturday night (after spending most of the day in Mugshots), then spent most of yesterday (Sunday) in both Cranberry's and Mugshots, then had Two Gents rehearsal from 6:00 to 10:00 last night. After rehearsal, I went out for my first taste of gelato at the famed Split Banana with the assistant stage manager and one of the actors.

They worked Act V last night in rehearsal and also worked on music. I helped the assistant stage manager finish cleaning out the rehearsal room and we cleaned up the kitchen a little bit--we figured we'd leave things looking nice for the new touring troupe, who will be inhabiting the theatre in our absence as they start their rehearsal process today. They're doing productions of Twelfth Night, Love's Labour's Lost, and The Duchess of Malfi by John Webster. I'm hoping I get to catch a couple of their Ren Runs--Twelfth Night and Love's Labours will both Ren Run before I leave.

The resident troupe is planning to do a full run of Two Gents on Wednesday evening this week (they have a 6:00-10:00 rehearsal after a matinee of Lion that day), so that will be fun to see, and then this Friday is their first dress rehearsal at 2:00 p.m., which Dr. Fiebig and his son Jeremy are planning to be in town to see! I'm looking forward to their visit.

In other news, if you asked me if I had ever successfully memorized a thirty-two-page monologue, I would tell you that yes, in fact, I have. I am essentially off book for My Name is Rachel Corrie, a one-woman show and my senior project, which I will be performing in the fall and the spring this year. It was a long and fairly difficult process--I started memorizing some in March, but really got down to business in May and June. I'm looking forward to getting it on its feet off book.

Next I need to get cracking on lines for Much Ado About Nothing--our homecoming show this fall in which I was cast as Beatrice. We're to come in this fall with lines completely memorized, and I've successfully finished memorizing the lines in the first two scenes I'm in, but still have six or seven scenes to go.

So! I'm keeping busy, trying to keep cool, and would definitely describe this as a memorable experience.

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